Step 3: After Submitting Your Renewal Application
This step informs you of the renewal process and how to ensure your license has been renewed.
Renewal Process
- Upon receipt of your renewal and fee, your check is cashiered and a receipt number is stamped on the front of your check.
- The renewal is sent to the Renewal Unit for processing. (Processing times can vary significantly. You can check the current processing times online.)
- A technician reviews the renewal for acceptability.
- If the renewal is acceptable, the license is renewed.
- If the license was renewed in "good standing" a pocket card is ordered showing the new expiration date.
- If the license is renewed under suspension, you will receive a letter regarding the suspension rather than a pocket card. After the suspension is cleared, you can send the letter to CSLB and request that a pocket card be issued.
- If the renewal is not acceptable, it will be returned to you with a letter explaining the items that need to be corrected.
- You have 90 days from the date of the letter to return an acceptable renewal.
- If your license expires before an acceptable renewal is received back at CSLB, you will be required to pay a delinquent fee.
Verifying Your Renewal was Received and Processed
It is the licensee's responsibility to verify that the renewal has been received and processed. Because processing times can vary significantly, CSLB strongly encourages you to submit your completed renewal as soon as possible.
After submitting your renewal, you should check your license status online or by calling the CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752).
- If your renewal has been received but not processed, the license status will reflect "The renewal application has been received but not yet processed".
- If your renewal has been received but is not processed by the license expiration date, the license status will reflect “Expired” until the renewal is processed. Any work performed with an expired license is considered unlicensed contracting and disciplinary action can be taken.
- If your license has been renewed, the license record will reflect the new expiration date.
- If your license was renewed in "good standing", you should receive a pocket card reflecting the new expiration date.
- If you receive your canceled check back and your license status does not reflect that it has been renewed, or does not reflect that the renewal has been received but not yet processed, or you have not received the renewal back for corrections, you should call the CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) to check the status.
- If your renewal has been received but not processed, and CSLB is processing renewals received after the date you submitted your renewal, you should call the CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) to check the status. (You can check the current processing times online.)
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