Maintain and Change Your License
Licenses for Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
This section details the requirements to license Limited Liability Companies (LLC).
Ordering a Wall Certificate or Pocket Card
This section provides information and instructions on ordering a Wall Certificate or Pocket Card for your license.
Adding a Classification to Your License
This section provides information and instructions on adding a classification to your existing license.
Changing Your Business Name or Address
This section provides information and instructions on changing your Business Name or Address.
Change in Personnel
This section provides information and instructions for changes in personnel of a license.
Name and Gender Change Notification and Request for Confidentiality (SB 372, 2023)
Effective January 1, 2024, under Business and Professions Code section 27.5, licensees may notify the licensing board or bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) of a name and/or gender change and request confidentiality of the previous name or gender information, when meeting certain specified requirements. For more information and to make a request, click here.
Changing Your Personal Name
This section provides the form to change your personal name due to a legal name change (marriage, a divorce decree, a court decree, or some other legal reason) as required by BPC section 7083.
Change in Business Entity
This section provides information and instructions for a change in Business Entity.
Renewing Your License
This section provides information and instructions on renewing your license.
Reactivating Your License
This section provides information and instructions on reactivating your license.
Inactivating Your License
This section provides information and instructions on inactivating your license.
Maintaining Your Bond(s)
This section provides information on bonding requirements and maintaining your bond(s).
Maintaining Your Workers' Compensation Insurance
This section provides information on workers' compensation requirements and maintaining your workers' compensation insurance.
Canceling Your License
This section provides information and instructions on canceling your license.
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