Spring/Summer 2019       |      David Fogt, Registrar      |      Gavin Newsom, Governor


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Stay Up-To-Date on CSLB Advertising Rules

photo of business card and car advertisment with license number placed in the ad

You already know about advertising in newspapers, magazines, and on radio and television airwaves but, for licensed contractors, advertising is more than that.

It's also:

These specifications are in Section 861 of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Rules and Regulations. They define what Business and Professions (B&P) Code Section (§) 7030.5 means when it says that licensed contractors are required to include their license numbers in "(a) all construction contracts; (b) subcontracts and calls for bid; and (c) all forms of advertising, as prescribed by the registrar of contractors." The civil penalty (pursuant to California Code of Regulations § 884) for not complying with this requirement is between $100 and $1,000 for a first offense.

Identifying Business Vehicles C-36 Plumbing, C-45 Sign, and C-57 Well-Drilling contractors must display the following information on each side of every business vehicle with commercial registration in letters at least 1.5 inches high (B&P § 7029.5):

All other licensed contractors must display their business names and contractor license numbers on every one of their commercially-registered vehicles. The name and number must be in a clearly visible location in letters at least 3/4 inch high and wide (B&P § 7029.6).


TEXT California Contractors State License Law and Reference Book (2019 edition)

CSLB Advertising Guidlines Brochure

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