Contractors May Benefit From Covered California's Special Enrollment Period
From Covered CaliforniaAs a contractor, you know that if you can't work, you don't get paid. An injury or illness can take you off the job and cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. That's why health insurance is so important to you, your family, and your business.
Nearly 1.4 million Californians signed up for health insurance through Covered California during the first open enrollment period, and many of them received financial help in paying for their coverage. Even though open enrollment is over, Covered California's special-enrollment period allows many people to still secure health care coverage with one of the name-brand insurance companies offered by Covered California.

Special enrollment is for people who have experienced a major change in their life such as having a baby, marriage, or the loss of a job that provided health coverage. If you have a major change in your life, you still can sign up for a health insurance plan to protect yourself and your family. Plus, thanks to the reforms included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, you could be eligible for financial help to reduce your costs, and you can't be turned away by an insurance company for a pre-existing condition.
During special enrollment between now and the end of 2014, you can sign up for coverage as long as you do so within 60 days of a major life event. The most common reasons that would make you eligible are:
- You lose your health coverage because you've lost or changed jobs;
- You get married or enter a domestic partnership;
- You have a baby, adopt a child or place a child in adoption or in a foster home;
- You move and gain access to new Covered California health insurance plans that were not available where you previously lived; or
- You become a citizen, national or lawfully present individual.
Special enrollment for those with life-changing events will be available to all eligible Californians until open enrollment resumes in the fall. For more information, visit
If you qualify for any of these opportunities, you can visit the Covered California website and click on the "Special Enrollment" button to apply. You can also contact a Covered California Certified Enrollment Counselor or Certified Insurance Agent, or you can call Covered California at 800.300.1506.