Step 1: Before Canceling Your License
This step informs you of things you should know before canceling your contractor's license or applying for a continuance.
License Types and Conditions for Cancellation

In addition, the following conditions will result in the automatic cancellation of a contractor license.
- Individual license – death of the owner
- Partnership license – death or disassociation of a general or qualifying partner
- Corporate license – notification by the licensee of merger, dissolution or surrender of the right to do business in California
ALERT A corporate license shall be canceled 60 days after CSLB discovers that the corporation has merged, dissolved or surrendered the right to do business.
- Joint venture license – cancellation, revocation or withdrawal of any of the businesses that formed the joint venture
Applying for a Continuance
- If your license must be cancelled and the business needs to continue operating temporarily, you may apply for a continuance.
- If a continuance is granted, this is a temporary period for the business to reorganize and apply for a new license.
- Depending on your license type, only certain people may apply for a continuance, and if a continuance is granted it will allow only certain activities for the business. See Step 3.
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