Construction Management Education Sponsorship Act of 1991
About the Act
The Construction Management Education Sponsorship Act (CMESA) was passed by the California Legislature and signed into law by Governor Pete Wilson in 1991 (See Business & Professions Code Section 7139-7139.10). In creating CMESA, the Legislature recognized the increasing demand and need to educate and prepare graduates to manage construction operations and companies. The students studying construction management at universities around the state will be tomorrow's industry leaders.
It was the legislature’s intent that the assistance provided by CMESA grants would improve the overall quality of construction by providing industry-specific management training to California licensed contractors and their current and future managers.
Donating to the CMESA
When CMESA was created, contributions were limited to $25. Consequently, the fund grew slowly. In 2003, the Legislature removed the limit, and people may now contribute any amount they wish.
A donation today is truly an investment in the construction industry's future. If you're a contractor who wants to improve your bottom line, you will need managers who are educated and trained for today's more complex systems. By contributing to the CMESA fund, you can make a significant contribution to the quality of education and the number of graduates who receive important training for construction contracting. To donate, click here.
Grant Awards
The first grant awards were given out in 2005. A second round of awards was given in 2006. After allowing time for the fund to build back up, a third round of awards was presented in 2010.
The award totals are based on the number of graduates from each university's construction management program.
In 2011, grant awards were approved for six qualifying universities in California:
University | Grant Amount |
California State University, Chico | $48,387.00 |
California State University, Fresno | $18,709.64 |
California State University, Long Beach | $19,999.96 |
California State University, Northridge | $5,161.28 |
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | $24,193.50 |
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | $20,967.70 |
California State University, Sacramento | $12,580.62 |
Total Grant Amount | $149,999.70 |
About the Committee
The Construction Management Education Account Advisory Committee (CMEAAC) oversees the fund that helps increase the quality and availability of education programs for California's construction industry. The committee is made up of 11 members, with at least one representative from each of the following organizations:
- Associated General Contractors of California
- Associated Builders and Contractors
- California Building Industry Association
- National Electrical Contractors Association
- Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association
- Southern California Contractors Association
- Associated General Contractors of San Diego
- Engineering and Utility Contractors Association
- Engineering Contractors Association
- California Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association
The 11th member represents the California State University and University of California construction management programs accredited by the American Council for Construction Education. Terms for CMEAAC members are three years and the representatives are appointed by each organization.
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