Step 2: Applying for HIS Registration
Take time to carefully read and follow the instructions attached to the application. You must complete the following steps:
- Complete the Application for Registration as a Home Improvement Salesperson
- Complete the form on your computer and print, or print, then fill out in ink
- You must sign and date the application
- Submit your application along with the required non-refundable, non-transferable application fee to:
Contractors State License Board
P.O. Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826-0026
If you have an email address at which you are currently receiving email, you must provide it. (BPC 7083.2) The email provided will not be part of your public registration record. CSLB emails important updates and changes to the law that may affect your registration. All emails CSLB sends to the email address you provided are presumed to be received.
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