No License Numbers on Ads, Contracts is a Persistent Problem
Whether you're advertising your contracting business through online listings, on TV, radio, or print, you must include your license number as part of the ad (Business and Professions Code section 7030.5). There are still a significant number of licensees who fail to disclose their license number when promoting themselves through advertising. Disciplinary action can be taken if this law – intended to assure the public that you operate a CSLB-licensed business – is ignored.
The mandatory license number inclusion applies to all forms of advertising – even if it's a decal on the side of a business truck, or on a contract itself. Licensees are responsible for any omission, even if the license number is inadvertently left off by outside agencies hired to produce ads.
Licensees with commercially registered vehicles have additional specifications for listing their business name and contractor license number (BPC section 7029.6) on their fleet. The name and number must be in a clearly visible location on the vehicle (in letters of at least 72-point font or three-quarters of an inch high and wide) and the name that is displayed must be identical to the business name you provided to CSLB in your application.
The standards are higher for C-36 Plumbing, C-45 Sign, and C-57 Water Well Drilling contractors who use vehicles for business. They must post their permanent business address on the vehicle, in addition to the business name and contractor license number, and in a type size at least 1½ inches high (BPC section 7029.5).
Also, licensees must list the name of their business exactly as it appears in CSLB records for any advertisement, bid, or contract. The law forbids name style variations.
Licensees should use the Application to Change Business Name or Address form on the CSLB website to update changes to a business name, addresses, telephone numbers, and emails.
Take pride in your contractor's license. Promote your license and encourage consumers to check your license status on the CSLB website. This can help set you apart from your competition.