Message From the Board Chair

CSLB is always striving to improve its services to licensees, and I think the recently-completed transformation of our Home Improvement Salesperson (HIS) registration process provides a perfect example of this dedication.
Our staff has been busy converting our records and computer systems to comply with the new HIS law that took effect at the start of the year. The final steps in the changeover took place in early April when letter notifications and new ID cards were mailed to more than 17,000 sales representatives.
The new system that's been put in place represents a major change if you're an HIS, or want to become one, or a contractor with a sales staff. Senate Bill 561 has simplified the registration process for salespersons, allowing them to file a single registration with CSLB whether they represent one or multiple contractors. Previously, those persons had to take out separate HIS registrations for each contractor that employed them.
Under the new system, the licensee must notify CSLB when a new HIS is hired, or leaves their job.
The previous registration system had become burdened by the sharp rise in applications in recent years, particularly from salespeople seeking work in the rapidly expanding solar industry. CSLB received more than 1,000 HIS applications per month in fiscal year 2014-15, which represents more than an 80 percent jump compared to the average for the previous three years.
So far, the revamped registration process appears to be working smoothly in its first few weeks, and I'm confident that salespersons and contractors will find it beneficial.
Our Information Technology and Licensing Division staff did much of the heavy lifting for the conversion. Thousands of individual HIS registrations had to be updated to comply with the new HIS requirement, as did license records for participating contractors. The new structure for HIS and registration records also required a reworking of the license look-up feature on CSLB's website.
In addition, the changes had to be incorporated into CSLB's in-house license and form processing system.
If you're an HIS registrant or a participating contractor, you can contact CSLB by email to let us know how the new system is working.
It's good for every organization to take stock of how it's performing, and for CSLB, that self-appraisal comes every year in the form of its Accomplishments and Activities Report. CSLB recently released its 2015 report that gives an accounting of the Board's progress in the past year, and I came across several statistics that you might find interesting.
For example,
- There were 31,892 examinations scheduled by license applicants at CSLB's test centers around the state in 2015. Of those, just over 16,900 passed their test – about 53 percent.
- CSLB's Enforcement Division staff was busier than ever in 2015, closing out 19,906 investigations – an increase of 880 from 2014.
- The arbitration program administered by CSLB is being used increasingly to settle disputes between licensees and those filing complaints. The number of complaints referred to either voluntary or mandatory arbitration rose to 455 in 2015, up 37 percent from 2014, and the amount of restitution awarded consumers from those arbitration sessions was $1.52 million, a 25 percent jump.
- The arbitration program administered by CSLB is being used increasingly to settle disputes between licensees and those filing complaints. The number of complaints referred to either voluntary or mandatory arbitration rose to 455 in 2015, up 37 percent from 2014, and the amount of restitution awarded consumers from those arbitration sessions was $1.52 million, a 25 percent jump.
- Statistics shows that CSLB's Senior Scam StopperSM and Consumer Scam Stopper outreach programs continue to grow in popularity. Together with area lawmakers, CSLB sponsored 91 seminars in 2015 in various parts of the state, educating thousands of older Californians and members of the public about unlicensed or unscrupulous contractors. The highly-regarded Senior Scam Stopper program also recently celebrated a milestone – its 500th event since its inception in 1999.
- CSLB maintains a state-of-the-art defense to guard its information network from cyberattacks, and although no breaches have occurred, there were thousands of attempts to penetrate the firewall in 2015. The highest number of firewall hits, 13,476, came from inside China, followed by 10,502 attempts that originated in Canada and 9,826 from Germany. CSLB remains vigilant in its security efforts against these cyber threats.
Looking forward, the Board will meet in June with our counterparts from contractor licensing boards from Nevada and Arizona. While these joint meetings have been an annual event with the Nevada board, we're very glad that our Arizona colleagues will join in the discussion of issues of mutual interest.
Our investigators and senior staff members have long had a beneficial relationship with their Nevada counterparts about licensing, enforcement and related issues that cross state lines, and we are excited to add Arizona to the partnership.
The meeting being held in Garden Grove is open to the public, and we welcome your input. Check CSLB's website for agenda details ahead of the June 23-24 meeting date.

Ed Lang
CSLB Board Chair