CSLB Outreach Programs Stress Importance of Hiring Licensed Contractors, Avoiding Scams

CSLB's outreach programs help licensees by emphasizing the importance of only hiring state-licensed contractors while providing consumer tips on how to avoid becoming defrauded by unlicensed operators who work in the underground economy.
Since 1999, CSLB has held Senior Scam StopperSM seminars in cooperation with sponsoring legislators throughout the state. The two-hour seminars feature a panel of experts who talk about scams commonly used against seniors that range from auto repair to insurance and Medicare fraud. CSLB's representatives cover the subjects of home repair fraud and the importance of hiring licensed contractors.
To expand this successful outreach effort, CSLB launched the Consumer Scam StopperSM program in September 2012. These workshops are designed for people of all ages and, similar to the senior events, a CSLB representative discusses home repair fraud and best practices when hiring a licensed contractor. Other types of fraud are addressed, as well.

Click on the Senior Scam StopperSM banner on CLSB's website to learn more about upcoming events. The Consumer Scam StopperSM website is coming soon. Contact CSLB's outreach coordinator at (916) 255-3273 or email jane.kreidler@cslb.ca.gov if your association or organization is interested in scheduling a CSLB presentation.

Help CSLB Sting Illegal Contractors
One of the best ways you can help CSLB catch phony contractors in the act is by providing properties where an undercover sting operation can be conducted. Whether occupied or not, a commercial or residential property that investigators can use to seek property improvement bids is valuable to CSLB's enforcement efforts.
Properties most often are needed for two-day stings. The owner or agent simply signs a release form authorizing CSLB to use the property. The process is confidential.
Contact one of CSLB's Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) offices if you have or know someone who has a home or commercial property that can be used to help catch unlicensed operators.- Northern SWIFT: (916) 255-2924
- Central SWIFT: (559) 490-0580
- Southern SWIFT: (562) 345-7600